bios = /Users/xxxxxx/lxdream/bios/dc_bios.bin
flash = /Users/xxxxxx/lxdream/bios/dc_flash.bin
default path = /Users/xxxxxx/lxdream/disc
save path = /Users/xxxxxxlxdream/save
#bootstrap = /Users/xxxxxx/lxdream/bios/IP.BIN
Device 0 = Sega Controller
dpad left = Left
dpad right = Right
dpad up = Up
dpad down = Down
Start = KP_Enter, Return
analog left = KP_Left
analog right = KP_Right
analog up = KP_Up
analog down = KP_Down
button X = a
button Y = s
button A = z
button B = x
trigger left = d
trigger right = c
Device 2 = Sega Mouse
Device 3 = Sega Keyboard
device = /dev/ttyS1
$ cd ~/lxdream
$ ./lxdream
23:12:57 00000000 WARN Unable to load file '/Users/xxxxxx/lxdream/bios/dc_bios.bin': No such file or directory
23:12:57 00000000 WARN Unable to load file '/Users/xxxxxx/lxdream/bios/dc_flash.bin': No such file or directory
23:12:57 A0000000 ERROR Unable to open audio output (ESD)
23:12:57 A0000000 ERROR Failed to initialize audio driver 'esd', using null driver